ACtivity #3: Stretch Your Way to a Good Day

Did you know that stretching does way more for your body than just relieving aching muscles?

From increasing range of motion to improving joint health, and even helping with blood flow, stretching is an easy activity you can do daily.

Below are ten different stretches you can do right now! Just remember to take it slow and easy. Hold each stretch for 10 to 30 seconds. Also, pain should never be a part of stretching. If you start feeling pain, you could be pulling your muscles or joints further than you should.  

Each stretch is automatically set for 30 seconds. If you want to move on to the next stretch sooner, simply click or tap on the right or left buttons.

10 Stretches to Better Your Health and Your Day:


Don't you just feel all loose and relaxed now? What do you think tomorrow's deal might be? Check back HERE tomorrow to find out!

Share a stretching selfie with #Xyngular12Days on social media.